YFG Women’s Network call on Minister Stephen Donnelly to provide universal access to free contraception for all women

The Young Fine Gael Women’s Network recognises the announcement in Budget 2022 of a funding allocation for free contraception for women aged 17 – 25 years as a positive first step.

The Young Fine Gael Women’s Network are calling on Minister Stephen Donnelly to extend the provision of free contraception for all women, regardless of age.

In 2020, the Dublin Well Woman Centre published national research on women’s knowledge, awareness, and access to contraception.  The Contraception Conversation highlighted that the cost of contraception is one of the main barriers faced by women in accessing contraception.

Universal access to contraception will ensure that women of all ages have access to all forms of evidence-based contraception and that they can use the method that is most suitable for them.


Note to editors: In September 2020, Young Fine Gael (YFG) launched a campaign as part of the YFG annual Pre-Budget Submission 2021 to remove the VAT on condoms and menstrual cups with a campaign slogan of “I would do anything for love, but I won’t do VAT”. The campaign continued throughout 2021 and again the ask was included in the YFG Pre-Budget Submission 2022.